Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Until that Distant Day by Jill Stengl (book review)


Colette and her brother Pascoe are two sides of the same coin, dependent upon one another in the tumultuous world of the new Republic. Together they labor with other leaders of the sans-culottes to ensure freedom for all the downtrodden men and women of France.

But then the popular uprisings turn bloody and the rhetoric proves false. Suddenly, Colette finds herself at odds with Pascoe and struggling to unite her fractured family against the lure of violence. Charged with protecting an innocent young woman and desperately afraid of losing one of her beloved brothers, Colette doesn’t know where to turn or whom to trust as the bloodshed creeps ever closer to home.
Until that distant day when peace returns to France, can she find the strength to defend her loved ones . . . even from one another?


I had mixed feelings about Until that Distant Day.
Because of that lets start with the things that I particularly liked.
First of all, I loved all the beautiful French phrasing inserted throughout the book. And not only that, the way Stengl introduced the beginning of the Revolution was préfet. Until that Distant Day was rich with the history of France and the Jacobins.
 Colette was my other favorite thing. I loved her realism. She was a truly relatable character, and her humor was spot on. Getting to know Colette and her story was completely worth the following vices.
There was really only two reasons I rated Until that Distant Day with three crowns.
One was the pacing. It was more realistic, but somewhat slow. During the majority of the book, I didn't even realize that there was a love interest (there is one, by the way). All the sudden declarations of love and devotion threw me off a little.
The only other thing was Pascoe. Pascoe was aggravating, and even though Colette forgives him, I never really did.
However, Pacing and Pascoe aside, this really was a beautiful story full of history, love, and redemption. I would recommend this book to anyone with a love for history and Christian fiction.

*I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.*

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Blog Move (And a GIVEAWAY)


Today is the day!

This is the first official post of the new Page by Paige headquarters!
After deciding to move to Blogger, I asked Lori at Imagination Designs to create this lovely new blog design. She did a fabulous job, and I am very grateful for such an awesome artist!
After today, all giveaways and posts will be held on this site. The Wordpress site will still be running as an archive, but it won't have a primary role. So wander around, look at books, have an adventure (the last part is referring to life, considering I'm not Gandalf...yet). And thank you to all of my followers on Wordpress, I appreciate you all SO much, and hope that you will enjoy this new venture on Blogger, also! Y'all are fabulous!


In celebration, I'm hosting a giveaway! All you have to do is become a follower and then enter in the Rafflecopter form below (Make sure to look at the Review/Giveaway Policy page)! There's also some extra entries!

First Prize Winner: Four copies of some of my new favorite reads along with a cute bookmark and button!

  • The Healer of Carthage by Lynne Gentry
  • The Pelican Bride by Beth White
  • Shadowhand by Anne Elisabeth Stengl
  • The Queen's Handmaid by Tracey L. Higley 

Second Prize Winner: One $15 Amazon giftcard, a cute bookmark, and a button!

  a Rafflecopter giveaway