Happy 12th day of 2015, reader's!
2014 was really good. So many things fell into place, and I'm expecting 2015 to be even more amazing. On the personal side of things, I got a baby niece, a new best friend, a college, and so many opportunities that have God's signature all over them. On the bookshelf side of things, everything was pretty swell. There were some AMAZING releases last year, and I'm so happy to have been able to read these beauties!
This is a just a taste, really, of my favorites of 2014.

Storm Siren by Mary Weber
adored this book. As in full on fangirl love. I'm pretty sure you can
now officially call me one of Mary Weber's biggest fans. I might have
even gotten a Storm Siren tattoo...Okay, maybe not (I hate needles,
thank you) but this book is all kinds of AMAZING. Please, please, please
read it! Then, when you read it and realize you just fell head over heels for Weber's story, we can grab some coffee and chat it up.
Firstborn by Lorie Ann Grover
Despite some discussion and murmuring I overheard about this book, I loved it. It was undoubtedly different, but sometimes the different books takes the cake (for me, that's usually the case)! This book showed how unique Grover's voice is, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Deluge by Lisa T. Bergren
Because duh. This is one of my
absolute favorite of all series, and the conclusion did not disappoint.
Make me cry? Yes. Disappoint? Definitely not.(I'm actually getting teary
just thinking about the ending.) LTB is a master storyteller.

Tears of the Sea by MaryLu Tyndall
Mermaids and pirates. That's basically a must have for winter, right? Check out my review for this lovely gem here. Because this book is wonderful!
Destined for Doon by Carey Corp & Lorie Langdon
Wow. This series sort of exploded on the Internet. I've been feeling
very "Hey, I knew about this book before all these super super cool
people did." There is a really good reason this book is well on its way
to stardom. This series is captivating, and it appears to be here to
stay (yayy!). Another testament to my opinion that Blink is the coolest
imprint on the planet.
- Thunder by Bonnie S. Calhoun
you loved Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi? But you have to admit
that maybe the secular undertones were a bit too strong? You should read
this fantastic book!
book is the bomb. I loved it, and I am so ready for the sequel. I gave
my mom a whole rant about how proud I was that the CBA was branching out
into story's like these. Hey, I'm all about this YA-Christian hybrid
Remnants: Season of Wonder by Lisa T. Bergren
Lisa T. Bergren knows how to write YA. She's awesome, and her books just validate it. This was one of my absolute faves from earlier last year. I'm so excited to see where she takes this story in the sequel!
- Lizzy and Jane by Katherine Reay
I even crack open a contemporary. Its rare, but when I do venture into
this genre, you better bet its either funny or its Katherine Reay. This
is for the Austen gals, waving our hanky's in the air at the passing
soldiers. Chivalry is not dead, my friends, and it is well alive in
Reay's stunning contemporary (another book that made me cry, in fact).
Can't Let You Go by Jenny B. Jones
I was a die-hard Jenny B. Jones fan when I was a tween. Reading about the adult Katie Parker was like re-visiting the past, but at the same time making me realize how old I'm getting. I loved getting to dive back in, and I'm hoping (really, really hoping) that a new Bella book (The Charmed Life series) is in the works.

What a Girl Needs by Kristin Billerbeck
This is another continuation of a much loved series . I was thrilled when I heard about Billerbeck's new Ashley book! It did not disappoint at all! Billerbeck made me giggle, in usual fashion, and love Ashley even more.

The Covered Deep by Brandy Vallance
UM. THIS BOOK. This book is so amazing. It's probably one of my favorite historicals of ever. Its like someone smashed Indiana Jones and Pride and Prejudice together (okay, not exactly, but you get my point), and created a super-novel. Plus, Bianca is like a carbon copy of myself. A much, much wittier carbon copy...
Lady at Arms by Tamara Leigh
Really, everything Tamara Leigh released (or re-released) this year was superb! The medieval setting paired with Leigh's writing makes a beautiful combination! I can't wait to see what will be released by this author in 2015!
There were so many other great releases this year that I loved! I hope y'all had a great year! :)
What were some of your favorites from 2014?